Marriage Megan Smalley Marriage Megan Smalley

Put Your Marriage First.

Going through struggles like infertility can either make your marriage stronger or it can drive a huge wedge between the two of you. It’s a battle every single day to prioritize each other when you’re feeling so down, lift each other up and make decisions with unity. Here are some things that helped us fight for each other on the darkest days.

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Emotions, Grief, Marriage, Physical Health, Start Here Megan Smalley Emotions, Grief, Marriage, Physical Health, Start Here Megan Smalley

Megan’s Story

Someone once told me that having a baby should be fun and free. For me, it was neither. In this episode, I am sharing my story. I'm going to talk about all the twists and turns of the past eight years as we walked through infertility and how I learned to be content through the suffering and season of waiting. I’ll discuss marriage, the ups and downs of our IVF treatments, our Give Grace campaign and the heart behind it and how all the heartbreak led me to my miracles.

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You’re Welcome Here!

The Infertility Sisterhood exists to provide empathy (because you don’t have to walk this road alone), encouragement (because there is hope even in the hard stuff), education (because the decisions you make matter) and empowerment (because you have a purposeful path forward).

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