Hi, I’m Megan, and my story is full of triumphs and trials from two of life’s hardest seasons: infertility and motherhood.

I joined these clubs the hard way. One not by choice and the other after a long, hard fight.

Four years of infertility. Two rounds of IVF. And then, doing the whole two babies at once thing, more frozen transfers, and welcoming one more to our crew...all while running a seven figure business...man, I’m tired just talking about it.

Maybe your own story, the one you’re living right at this moment, makes you feel tired, sad, angry, or hopeless. I get it, friend. I’ve been there. Your pain is real and your feelings are valid. Trying to choose joy when things aren’t going your way is HARD. 

The truth is, it’s not supposed to be this way, and for those of us facing infertility, we need each other to make it through. We need each other to overcome. The Infertility Sisterhood is the free online community I wish I’d had during my own season of infertility not that long ago. After feeling alone for so much

of it, I started to share my experiences online, and when I did, something amazing happened. I began to feel more hope, relief, and peace. And other women who connected with my story said they felt the same thing.

So, I knew God was calling me to take it beyond the Instagram comments, direct messages, and emails. We needed a place that was safe and intentional. A place where we can share our hearts, fears, struggles, and successes. The Infertility Sisterhood online community is exactly that.

Listen, sister, you were not made to do this alone. Don’t spend one. more. minute. without a sisterhood to hold you up. You’re stronger than you think you are, and you don’t have to be afraid to let people in. This is a safe place where you don’t have to be anything but you—good days, hard days, the whole shebang. Welcome to the Sisterhood.




Being a coach's wife, a pastor's kid, living ten hours away from my home state of Texas, having three babies through IVF, and helping create the Give Grace campaign. I also run an online shop called Scarlet & Gold, and I basically wouldn’t have a cute t-shirt to my name if it weren’t for it. You should check it out!