Season 1. Episode 1.

Someone once told me that having a baby should be fun and free. For me, it was neither. In this episode, I am sharing my story. I'm going to talk about all the twists and turns of the past eight years as we walked through infertility and how I learned to be content through the suffering and season of waiting. I’ll discuss marriage, the ups and downs of our IVF treatments, our Give Grace campaign and the heart behind it and how all the heartbreak led me to my miracles.

Before you listen to the rest of season 1, I think it’s important for you to know where I’ve been and where I am now. This road is full of uncertainty, good days and bad days, all the questions and so many tears. I want you to know that you’re not alone. Our stories may be different, but I know your pain. I see your confusion. I get your longing and your heartbreak. I’ll never claim to have all the answers, but I’ll always claim the One who does. You see, I am a follower of Jesus and my Biblical worldview shapes everything I do, the way I think and the decisions I make. My faith is what gives me hope on the darkest days. We may not share the same faith and that’s ok. You are welcome here no matter what, but I think it’s important for you to know where my joy, my hope and my strength come from. I recorded my story a few days before I delivered my miracle twin boys, so please give me lots of grace for my shaky and breathless voice.


Give Grace Collection

About the Give Grace Campaign

It Starts With the Egg

Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine

Natural Fertility Shop

Waiting on God Book

Ad: Beautycounter

Ad: The Overcome Journal


Make Room for Grief


Megan’s Infertility Playbook