Seek Clinical Answers

Season 1. Episode 10.

When we were finally ready to try for kids, it was heartbreaking to see that same negative test result over and over. Nothing like finding out this news, both positive and negative, on the toilet, right? After we had been trying for about six months, I just knew something was wrong. I was scared to take the next step, but I knew we needed to pursue testing. If this is where you are in your story, I have some encouragement for you!

  1. If you feel like something is wrong, go get tested.

  2. Testing provides information. Information can provide answers. Information and answers help us make more confident decisions.

  3. It’s ok to be scared, but take the next step anyways.

  4. Your OB is a good place to start, but they are not a fertility specialist. If you aren’t getting the answers you need or want, go somewhere else.

  5. Not all clinics and doctors are created equal.

Encouragement from Chapter 1 called We Can Do Hard Things because God Can Do Hard Things:

“At my very first Passion Conference, a Christian conference for college students, I heard Francis Chan speak. He told a story about a time when he preached a sermon and afterward someone told him that he looked refreshed. As Chan walked away, he thought to himself that he didn’t want to look refreshed. He didn’t want his life to be so easy that he had plenty of time to be refreshed. He wanted to look tired and worn down because he had been busy fighting a battle for God. He wanted to spend all of his time fighting bravely and boldly for the kingdom. So he began praying that God would bring him battles to fight. He didn’t pray for God to take away struggles from his life; he prayed for God to give him battles and the endurance to overcome and persevere. Wow. I knew in my heart that I have never been brave enough to utter such a prayer. But I wanted to be. What would my life look like if I had that attitude? What if I welcomed hard things with open arms because I was so ready to put on the armor of God and fight? Those battles, the hard things, more than anything else in life, help us become who we were always meant to be. The fact that we are able to learn and grow and change and become wiser through hard things is a privilege. It’s a chance for our faith to become deeper as we strive everyday to become more like Jesus—I mean, whoa, right? What a gift. Those hard things that give us that gift, well, I’d say they are a form of grace too. One I’m very thankful for.” - Give Grace book



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