Find Safe People

Season 1. Episode 12.

Very early on in my infertility journey, I realized there were three types of people I would encounter.

  1. Someone that doesn’t get it and doesn’t try to get it.

    • These people can be very toxic to your heart, so I’d recommend putting up boundaries and loving these people from afar.

  2. Someone that doesn’t get it, but tries really hard to understand.

    • Keep these people close because they are incredibly valuable. They will not always say the right things, but it’s easy to give them grace because they care deeply and they try hard.

  3. Someone that gets it because they too have walked this road.

    • The value that someone brings to your heart when they can raise their hand and say “me too!” is deep. Even if their story is different, there is an immediate understanding and validation of the pain you are feeling. If you don’t have someone like this in your life, join our free Sisterhood community.

Here are some helpful tips on finding safe people in your life and the value they bring:

  1. You have to mute all the noise.

  2. Figure out who you can trust and let those people in.

  3. Remember that ultimately it’s yours and your spouse’s life. You get the final say. Your safe people are going to point you to God’s truth, offer wise counsel and love you no matter what you decide.

  4. Give lots of grace to your safe people when they say the wrong thing.

  5. When you find your safe people, be vulnerable and let them in.

Encouragement from Chapter 12 called Grace in Friendship:

“My experiences with two very different friends, Koral and Becky, during the hardest season of my life so far have taught me a lot about friendship. The types of friendships I want to have and the type of friend I want to be. What kind of friend do you want to be? I want to be the kind of friend who shows up for my people. I want to be the kind of friend who reaches out, even when I have no idea what to say. I want to be the kind of friend who apologizes quickly when I say the wrong thing and learns from my mistakes. I want to be the kind of friend who’s willing to roll up my sleeves and jump headfirst into the good, the bad, and the ugly of my friends’ lives. I want to be the type of friend who loves people through the fullness of grace that flows from my heart. And that’s the type of friend I want to have too” - Give Grace book


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