Give Grace

Season 1. Episode 20.

“Grace is truly amazing isn’t it? A miracle that none of us deserve, but that we are all blessed to receive. It holds so much potential for empathy, healing, and comfort. It calls out to each of us, beckoning us to accept it for ourselves and share it freely with others.

I hope that my story has helped you see how big a role grace can have in each of our stories. We will all walk through dark times that feel too difficult to bear, we will all mess up and desperately need forgiveness, and we will all do things that leave us feeling ashamed or stupid or small. And those things aren’t a matter of if, but when. Life is hard, but grace is the balm that we all need during those times.

I wish I could hold your hand through it all. But, luckily, even during the times you might feel most alone, you never are. God is always with us. Even when we turn away from Him, curse His name, or unload our anger at His feet, God will never leave us. His love for us will never fade or falter. His grace will never stop covering us. How lucky are we?

I want to encourage you to look around your life and see how you can intentionally give grace the way that God does. Grace that truly listens instead of rushing in to talk. Grace that celebrates our differences instead of erasing them. Grace that validates our feelings instead of judging them. Grace that forgives, even when we don’t deserve it. Grace that loves us at our worst. Grace that heals the deep wounds and smooths out our old scars. Grace that helps us find new ways forward together.

If we could all do that, can you imagine how our world would change for the better? How much more love and understanding there would be? Grace has always been the secret key to connecting deeply with one another, so let’s use it. Unlock your doors and windows and throw them open wide, let God’s grace stream out through you to anyone who needs it and everyone who wants it. When you let grace out, you also open the door for grace to come in. Funny how that works, isn’t it? The more you give, the more you receive, and the more you receive, the more you have to give. So go out there and live a life with abundant grace by giving grace however and whenever you can. I’ll be cheering you on the whole way!”

- Conclusion of Give Grace

I want to leave you with 3 truths and 3 tools.

  1. You are not alone. If you feel alone, join our free online community.

  2. You can overcome this. If you need help doing that, grab the Overcome Journal.

  3. You can find so much grace, hope and joy in the middle of this storm. If you need to know how, order my book.


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