Find Purpose.

Season 1. Episode 7.

During my darkest and most uncertain days, I had a friend invite me into her life and let me love on and serve her family. Little by little, day by day, God healed my heart as I was able to love on the two most precious little blonde girls. It was during this time in my life that I found so much purpose in my pain. It wasn’t fancy. It wasn’t big and world changing. It was through simple acts of showing up when my friend asked and serving her family. This time taught me a lot of things and I want to share some of those with you today.

  1. Your purpose in life does not begin once you have a baby in your arms. There is purpose right now, in the middle of this season. Here are some practical ways you can find purpose in this season.

    • Find a family you can love on that needs extra help and will let you in. 

    • Find a ministry you’re passionate about and serve there

    • Take on a creative outlet or a side hustle that you love. (Scarlet & Gold was a wonderful distraction for me during my hardest days. Because I had the gift of time I was able to pour so much into building it.)

  2. God can use you for his Kingdom right now if you let him. 

Encouragement from Chapter 13 called A Community of Grace:

“Our stories shape us. Our hardships define us. We get to choose what to do with that. Our testimony has to power to transform hearts. Humans are story-driven beings, and our testimony about God’s faithfulness in our lives is one of the most impactful tools we have in sharing the gospel. People connect with stories. They listen to them. And they will find themselves in your story, if you let them. When you share your story with others and talk about how God was real and faithful to you through good days and bad days, it gives others hope that this same God will be real to them too. Your story is too powerful to keep it to yourself. Give it away and watch what God does with it.” - Give Grace book


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